Would you
like us to pray with you?
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God. Whatever your circumstance, we want to pray for you. So please complete the prayer form to send us your prayer request.
We offer a variety of support ministries, whether you attend our Fairpoint Campus or our Worship at the Water™ Campus. All of these resources are available to those in our congregation and community.
Congregational Care Ministries
Grief Share
Grief Share is a support group to help persons move through the grief process. The class meets on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM and runs for 13 weeks. Contact Gail Eggiman at the church office (850-932- 3594) for more information.
Divorce Care
Divorce Care is a 13-week program to help persons move through the process and aftermath of divorce. Contact the church office (850-932- 3594) for more information.
Stephen Ministers
Our trained Stephen Ministers are here to meet the needs of those who are dealing with illness, loneliness, loss of a loved one, Spiritual crisis, loss of a job, or other personal crisis. Contact the church office at 850-932-3594 for additional information.
You can train to be a Stephen Minister or Leader if you feel called to do so! Contact Pastor Pam at pavery@gbumc.org.
Fridays at 9:00 am (in Room 5). Call the church office for more information 850-932-3594.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fridays at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Call the church office for more information 850-932-3594.
Spiritual Direction
GBUMC / Worship at the Water™ is pleased to have a number of certified spiritual directors on staff and part of our congregation. If you'd like to make an appointment with a spiritual director, please contact our church office for more information. 850-932-3594
Spiritual direction is a relational process in which a trained spiritual guide listens to and companions someone who desires a deeper relationship with God.
Our church seeks to live out our Christian discipleship in service for the mission of God in the world. Through our outreach ministries and missional involvement, we share God’s love by providing love, hospitality, hope, and healing to all we serve. Explore the ways we are serving throughout our local community and our world.
Local Outreach
Methodist Meals
The Methodist Meals Ministry has served our community for almost 20 years, delivering healthy meals to the homebound of South Santa Rosa County.
Dedicated volunteers deliver prepared meals Monday - Friday from the city of Gulf Breeze up to 12 miles East down Hwy. 98.
Fresh meals are prepared each day for any individual that has a need.
Eligible participants need this support due to the following:
recovering after a hospital stay
short or long-term illness
widowed or elderly
not wanting or able to cook for self
Our drivers not only deliver meals to recipients, but also offer love, hospitality, hope, and healing through intentional holy conversation with those recipients on their routes.
To sign up or get more information, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594.
Interfaith Ministries / Good Samaritan Clinic
Since its inception in 2000, Interfaith Ministries has continuously assisted under-resourced, under-served citizens of the community with housing, utilities, food, clothing and other emergent needs. Founded by GBUMC and other area churches, this ministry is a tangible way to support the under-resourced in our community.
For almost 20 years, Good Samaritan Clinic (under the umbrella of Interfaith Ministries) has provided free quality medical care, medications and dental care to the uninsured in our community.
Both Interfaith Ministries and Good Samaritan Clinic are staffed by volunteer personnel – lay people and professionals.
If you need assistance from Interfaith Ministries or the Good Samaritan Clinic, visit: https://interfaith-ministries.org/
If you would like to volunteer with Interfaith Ministries or the Good Samaritan Clinic, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594.
Bright Bridge Ministries
Bright Bridge Ministries helps those in need become contributing members of society, leading lives they are proud of. Since 2007, Bright Bridge has been working with Escambia County's most vulnerable and under-resourced residents: homeless individuals and families, children living in poverty, U.S. veterans, mentally ill, former inmates, substance abusers and others in need.
We assist individuals in need with mail service, hygiene products, transitional housing, clothing vouchers, benefits assistance, education classes and recovery group meetings. An on-site volunteer assists applicants in qualifying and filling out government documentation and social workers provide wrap-around case management.
If you need assistance from Bright Bridge Ministries, visit: https://brightbridgeministry.org/
If you would like to volunteer with Bright Bridge Ministries, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594.
Embrace Florida Kids
A ministry of the Alabama West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church since 1974, Embrace Florida Kids works across the Florida Panhandle to provide programs and services to children and families in crisis and in foster care.
Wrap-around care for families that aim to prevent family separation, reunification support for separated families, and spiritual, life-skills, and vocational support for school-age children and college aged young adults who’ve aged out of foster care.
If you need assistance from Embrace Florida Kids, visit: https://embraceflkids.org/contact-us/
If you would like to volunteer with Embrace Florida Kids, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594.
United Ministries
United Ministries was formed in January 1987 by local ministers and concerned laypersons who wanted to develop a cooperative effort among churches in the area to help families in crisis.
United Ministries primarily serves families with dependent children in financial crisis who are at risk of homelessness by providing financial assistance and engaging in community partnerships to promote stability. We do so in such a way as to offer hope, encouragement and spiritual support, operating as an agent of grace in the world.
If you need assistance with rent or utility support, see if you qualify by visiting: https://united-ministries.com/assistance/qualify/
If you would like to volunteer with United Ministries, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594.
Family Promise
Family Promise transforms the lives of families experiencing homelessness within Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. Since 1988, Family Promise has operated over 1,700 chapters nationwide to address family homelessness resulting in an average of 88% of families securing permanent housing within just 9 weeks of joining the program.
Through partner congregations, volunteers, a Day Center at First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, and fundraising programs, Family Promise is committed to working towards a community in which every family has a home, livelihood, and a chance to build a better future.
If you need assistance with family homelessness, see if you qualify by visiting: GET HELP | FamilyPromiseESC (familypromiseofescambia.org)
If you would like to volunteer with Family Promise, or GBUMC’s work with Family Promise, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer From or call (850) 932-3594.
Our church is committed to supporting the outreach ministries of our United Methodist Annual Conference. In doing so we are committed to serving Christ through providing hospitality, hope, and healing throughout our region and not just within our local community.
Regional Outreach
Disaster Response with United Methodist Committee on Relief
Natural disasters are a way of life here on the Gulf Coast and Methodists are uniquely equipped through our connectional structure to implement fast and efficient responses to lend a hand to those in need. We’re uniquely equipped to help locally and regionally when natural disaster strikes to offer logistics support, physical labor, relief support, and more.
Learn more:
Conference Outreach Ministries
If you would like to volunteer with any of these regional outreach ministries, please click the button below to fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594 to set up an appointment.
Our church also supports various global outreach ministries through the United Methodist Church. This is done through our annual apportionment giving to the Annual Conference and in specific support of various ministries as chosen by our Missions Committee. In doing global outreach ministry in this connectional way, our impact has a far greater reach geographically, financially, strategically, and practically than if we were to try to do things “on our own.”
Global Outreach
There are many ways to get involved in these ministries, the most important being prayer and awareness campaigning! Mission trips, fundraising, strategic communications, and business development are all ways you can regularly support these global ministries.
If you would like to be involved with any of these global outreach ministries, please fill out the Volunteer Form or call (850) 932-3594 to set up an appointment.
Learn more about the United Methodist Church Global Ministries four focus areas and specific missions here.
Want to Volunteer?
Need more information on any of these outreach opportunities?
Fill out the contact form or contact our or call the church office at (850) 932-3594 to set up an appointment.