We are grateful for your generous and faithful financial support of our church.
If you have questions about giving please contact our church office (850)932-3594.
Give Online Through PayPal
Click Donate below to give to GBUMC online through PayPal. You can give a single amount or schedule recurring donations.

Give by Mail or In Person
If you choose to give by mail, please make checks out to: “Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church” or “GBUMC". Our address is 75 Fairpoint Dr. Gulf Breeze, FL 32561.
Giving from the Heart
Gifts to Missions & Ministry

New Life Campaign
$100k Campaign
Gifts to Building Expenses
New Life
Why should I return a pledge card?
The missions and ministry of Gulf Breeze United Methodist Church are dependent on the generosity of God's People. By completing and returning your pledge card you express your intent and affirm your desire to honor God with your financial gift. Your pledge guides the implementing and planning of new programs, events, and ministries.
What happens when I return it?
Your pledge will remain confidential, and it is your personal commitment to God and His church.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth ... but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19–21